неділя, 20 грудня 2020 р.



Падуб[ред. | ред. код]

Па́дуб[1] (Ilex) — рід дерев та чагарників, єдиний у родині падубових (Aquifoliaceae). Ці рослини цінуються за свої блискучі шкірясті листки — темно-зелені або двоколірні — та яскраві ягоди, які можуть бути червоного, жовтого, білого, чорного та помаранчевого кольорів. Вони дозрівають восени і зберігаються на рослинах упродовж зими.


Traditional Christmas card with holly and mistletoe. Circa 1880s

Holly – more specifically the European holly, Ilex aquifolium – is commonly referenced at Christmas time, and is often referred to by the name Christ's thorn.[35][36] In many Western Christian cultures, holly is a traditional Christmas decoration,[37] used especially in wreaths and illustrations, for instance on Christmas cards. Since medieval times the plant has carried a Christian symbolism,[38] as expressed in the traditional Christmas carol "The Holly and the Ivy", in which the holly represents Jesus and the ivy represents the Virgin Mary.[36] Angie Mostellar discusses the Christian use of holly at Christmas, stating that:[36]

Christians have identified a wealth of symbolism in its form. The sharpness of the leaves help to recall the crown of thorns worn by Jesus; the red berries serve as a reminder of the drops of blood that were shed for salvation; and the shape of the leaves, which resemble flames, can serve to reveal God's burning love for His people. Combined with the fact that holly maintains its bright colors during the Christmas season, it naturally came to be associated with the Christian holiday.[36]

In heraldry, holly is used to symbolize truth. The Norwegian municipality of Stord has a yellow twig of holly in its Coat-of-arms.

The Druids held that "leaves of holly offered protection against evil spirits" and thus "wore holly in their hair".[36]

In the Harry Potter novels, holly is used as the wood in Harry's wand.

In some traditions of Wicca, the Holly King is one of the faces of the Sun God. He is born at midsummer and rules from Mabon to Ostara.[citation needed]

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Європейський падуб (Ilex aquifolium)
Європейський падуб (Ilex aquifolium)

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