четвер, 28 лютого 2019 р.

From my work experience: "The teaching game as an effective way of activating the students’ cognitive activity in learning foreign languages." Презентація до виступу з досвіду роботи на районному семінарі-практикумі учителів англійської мови на тему: "Застосування навчальної гри як ефективного способу активізації пізнавальної діяльності учнів на уроках іноземної мови»,

https://vseosvita.ua/library/from-my-work-experience-the-teaching-game-as-an-effective-way-of-activating-the-students-cognitive-activity-in-learning-foreign-languages-115656.html - посилання на публікацію, Всеосвіта
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  • From my work experience: "The teaching game as an effective way of activating the students’ cognitive activity in learning foreign languages."

From my work experience: "The teaching game as an effective way of activating the students’ cognitive activity in learning foreign languages."

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Опис презентації окремими слайдами:
From my work experience: "The teaching game as an effective way of activating the students’ cognitive activity in learning foreign languages."
From my work experience: "The teaching game as an effective way of activating the students’ cognitive activity in learning foreign languages."
Our alma mater – school №2 of Kopychyntsi
Our alma mater – school №2 of Kopychyntsi
Our school family
Our school family
Our English teacher‘s team with volunteer Irada
Our English teacher‘s team with volunteer Irada
Iryna Ihorivna Dushnitska I am a teacher of German and English in the school № 2 of Kopychyntsi My qualification category is the specialist of the ...
Iryna Ihorivna Dushnitska I am a teacher of German and English in the school № 2 of Kopychyntsi My qualification category is the specialist of the first category My educational work practice is 12 years I graduated from TNP University named after Hnatiuk in 2007.
My life motto is "Everything you do, you should do with love." (St. Augustine) My pedagogical problem is "The teaching game as an effective way of ...
My life motto is "Everything you do, you should do with love." (St. Augustine) My pedagogical problem is "The teaching game as an effective way of activating the students’ cognitive activity in learning foreign languages."
My aim is to work for the result. I use for that: Theatre lesson “At the Ukrainian Market" Theatre lesson "School uniform - for and against. The sc...
My aim is to work for the result. I use for that: Theatre lesson “At the Ukrainian Market" Theatre lesson "School uniform - for and against. The school of the past, the present and the future. "
Thematic meetings with students of the other schools on the topics „We celebrate the Women‘s Day “ and „ How do they celebrate Easter in Germany “
Thematic meetings with students of the other schools on the topics „We celebrate the Women‘s Day “ and „ How do they celebrate Easter in Germany “
Such meetings motivate the students very well and bring a lot of fun!!! In a cozy atmosphere it is much easier and interesting to speak German or E...
Such meetings motivate the students very well and bring a lot of fun!!! In a cozy atmosphere it is much easier and interesting to speak German or English!
According to Lev Semenovych Vyhotsjkyj, the game is considered as a natural form of child labor that only the child can do. The process is importan...
СЛАЙД № 10
According to Lev Semenovych Vyhotsjkyj, the game is considered as a natural form of child labor that only the child can do. The process is important for the child, not the result. According to many scientists, the game makes learning not only much easier, but also much more productive. Motivation plays a big role and the game motivates very well. As a result, my students learn foreign languages ​​with fun and pleasure!
I use different teaching games at my German and English lessons. They are very effective.
СЛАЙД № 11
I use different teaching games at my German and English lessons. They are very effective.
Such games develop the critical thinking of the students and develop the competences of the New Ukrainian School. Grammar games
СЛАЙД № 12
Such games develop the critical thinking of the students and develop the competences of the New Ukrainian School. Grammar games
I always use something new and interesting at my lessons Kids really like games, and adults too. Interactive educational games using the latest mob...
СЛАЙД № 13
I always use something new and interesting at my lessons Kids really like games, and adults too. Interactive educational games using the latest mobile devices bring a lot of fun to everyone. The use of the QR codes. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn languages. Learning with Duolingo is fun and addictive. You can earn points for correct answers, compete against time and reach new levels. These lessons are proven to be effective. Of course I want to keep up with times
СЛАЙД № 14
СЛАЙД № 15
СЛАЙД № 16
СЛАЙД № 17
СЛАЙД № 18
Project work is very efficient for my students too.
СЛАЙД № 19
Project work is very efficient for my students too.
Independence Day of Ukraine (Our answer to the German students)
СЛАЙД № 20
Independence Day of Ukraine (Our answer to the German students)
СЛАЙД № 21
СЛАЙД № 22
Using innovative technology in project work is very effective in educating European students.
СЛАЙД № 23
Using innovative technology in project work is very effective in educating European students.
As a result
СЛАЙД № 24
As a result
СЛАЙД № 25
СЛАЙД № 26
Summer camp We spend funny time together!
СЛАЙД № 27
Summer camp We spend funny time together!
Summer camp 2018 with the volunteer Irada
СЛАЙД № 28
Summer camp 2018 with the volunteer Irada
We are studying, playing and having fun together!
СЛАЙД № 29
We are studying, playing and having fun together!
Work with a volunteer Irada.
СЛАЙД № 30
Work with a volunteer Irada.
The day of sport.
СЛАЙД № 31
The day of sport.
The day of ukrainian traditions (An interesting visit to our school museum)
СЛАЙД № 32
The day of ukrainian traditions (An interesting visit to our school museum)
Our visit to church camp
СЛАЙД № 33
Our visit to church camp
It was lots of fun!!!
СЛАЙД № 34
It was lots of fun!!!
Summing up, giving certificates to the campers, saying good-bye to the volunteer
СЛАЙД № 35
Summing up, giving certificates to the campers, saying good-bye to the volunteer
We are visiting our museums with Irada
СЛАЙД № 36
We are visiting our museums with Irada
Interesting excursions
СЛАЙД № 37
Interesting excursions
СЛАЙД № 38
Interesting seminars with our foreign language methodologist A.T. Hulyk
СЛАЙД № 39
Interesting seminars with our foreign language methodologist A.T. Hulyk
You learn as long as you live. A very splendid job with my colleagues. Seminars by Goethe-institute in Ternopil (31.10-03.11 2017)
СЛАЙД № 40
You learn as long as you live. A very splendid job with my colleagues. Seminars by Goethe-institute in Ternopil (31.10-03.11 2017)
СЛАЙД № 41
I always participate in various seminars and webinars. Iryna Ihorivna Dushnitska
СЛАЙД № 42
I always participate in various seminars and webinars. Iryna Ihorivna Dushnitska
СЛАЙД № 43
СЛАЙД № 44
СЛАЙД № 45
СЛАЙД № 46
СЛАЙД № 47
https://youtu.be/sB6KZzegESs http://iradushnitska.blogspot.com https://naurok.com.ua/profile/39419 https://vseosvita.ua/user/id150509/achievements
СЛАЙД № 48
https://youtu.be/sB6KZzegESs http://iradushnitska.blogspot.com https://naurok.com.ua/profile/39419 https://vseosvita.ua/user/id150509/achievements
My blog
СЛАЙД № 49
My blog
My publications
СЛАЙД № 50
My publications
I have used such a nice tradition in my school: "The Holy Secret Nicholas“ Everyone in the class gets the gifts on the 6th of December, but they ha...
СЛАЙД № 51
I have used such a nice tradition in my school: "The Holy Secret Nicholas“ Everyone in the class gets the gifts on the 6th of December, but they have no idea who are these presents from. Just try!
СЛАЙД № 52
Practice creates masters. (Dealing with mistakes)
СЛАЙД № 53
Practice creates masters. (Dealing with mistakes)
My main achievements are my family and my students.
СЛАЙД № 54
My main achievements are my family and my students.
Thank you for attention!
СЛАЙД № 55
Thank you for attention!
How are you feeling now?
СЛАЙД № 56
How are you feeling now?
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Опис документу:
From my work experience: "The teaching game as an effective way of activating the students’ cognitive activity in learning foreign languages." Презентація до виступу з досвіду роботи на районному семінарі-практикумі учителів англійської мови на тему: "Застосування навчальної гри як ефективного способу активізації пізнавальної діяльності учнів на уроках іноземної мови»,

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